Coach Josh
Rank: 2nd degree recommended Black Belt
Favorite Activity in Martial Arts: Kicking Lines
Favorite Technique: 360 spin hook
Favorite Food: Tacos
Favorite Music/Musician: Rap
Favorite Book: Harry Potter Series
Favorite Movie: Disney's Robin Hood
About Me: I like to relax at home and hang out with my friends. I like sports. I am sophomore at Kearney High. After high school I want to go to college and hope to be an engineer.
I admire: Coach Corbin because I remember when I was a green belt Master Phillips told me to watch him and how he gets good grades at school and it made me want to be like him. I also admire Coach Cody because he is like a Tae Kwon Do big brother
My Goals: Graduate from college, get a 2nd Degree Black Belt, and become a better instructor.