Coach Christine
Name: Christine Adcock
Rank: 2nd Degree Black Belt
Favorite Martial Arts Activity: Sparring
Favorite Martial Arts Technique: 360 Spin Hook Kick
Favorite Food: Peanut Butter
Favorite Music/Musician: Classical and Alternative
Favorite Book: Lately, anything motivational
Favorite Movie: Gattaca
About Me: My family has been in Kearney for the past 12 years and we love the community and sense of family we have built here. When I'm not coaching Tae Kwon Do, I can be found out with my family; and when not there, I'm working for a technology firm out of Chicago.
Who I Admire and Why: Of people I admire, they all have a single trait. They set ambitious goals and then work through adversity to achieve them
My Goals: I like learning something new which is why TKD is such a good fit since there is a new technique to learn every week. There is always room for improvement! At home, I'm constantly trying out something with home improvement or technology.